If your business has an annual membership fee that you would like to automatically charge each year, you can set this up by creating a recurring plan that does not pay for any services and is set to bill annually.
1) Create the Recurring Membership Plan
To create your Annual Membership fee, you will need to first create a Recurring Membership Plan. When creating the plan, set the billing cycle to yearly. You can also select the option to make clients who purchase this members.
After you have saved this plan, you will be prompted to select the services this plan pays for. Since you are creating the plan to only charge an annual membership fee, do not need to select any services just click Save.
2) Sell your Membership Fee to your members
After your plan has been created, you can then sell your membership plan to your clients the same way you would sell a recurring plan. This will allow you to collect your set membership fees on an annual basis.