When you create a plan with a limited number of visits per time period (ex. 1 visit/week), you can select if a client does not use all of their visits allocated for that time period that the unused visits or a portion of the unused visits are automatically rolled over to the next time period. When an unused visit is allocated to the next time period, the visit is labeled a rollover visit.
Rollover visits are deducted from the plan before the current period’s unused visits. For example, if a client had a 10-visit per month plan with five unused visits from March that rolled over to April, those five rollover visits from March would be deducted from the plan before April’s 10 visits.
Rollover visits do not accumulate. Rollover visits expire 1 visit cycle out and cannot exceed the amount allotted within that cycle. In the above example, if the client does not use their 5 rollover visits in April, the 5 rollover visits expire and do not rollover into May.