Who can use this feature?
Pike13 Plan:
- More information about Pike13 Plans and Roles
Notes allow you to post private notes to only staff members regarding your clients progress, send a public note to an individual client or entire rosters or post website note that will be sent to clients enrolled in the class and shown on your client-facing pike13 website.
In this article
Adding a note to a client's profile
- Go to Clients and search for the person you wish you add a note for
- Under the client’s profile picture select New Note
- Enter the content of your note and select the type of note you are leaving:
- To send the note to the email address associated with the client’s account, choose Public.
- To post a note that is visible only to other staff members, select Private.
- To keep the note always visible from the staff's view of a client’s profile, ★ Star this note.
Star an existing note.
Star an existing note by selecting ★ Star next to the note timestamp.
Adding a class or course note
- Go to Schedule and choose the class or course that you want to add a note for
- Select the Notes tab. Enter the content of your note and do one of the following:
- To send the note to the email address associated with each client’s account, choose Public.
- To post a note that is visible only to other staff members, select Private.
View all of a client's starred notes
See all of someone’s starred notes in the roster, click on the gear button to the right of their name. (A ★ appears next to the name of any person with a starred note on any given class roster.)
Website Notes vs Public Notes
Website Notes and Public Notes have different exposure, so one type might work better for a business. A business may also want to consider using a combination of both. For example, a business may use a website note to post instructions/include a link and a public note to post a password/pin.
Website Notes (For classes and courses) has the most exposure. Clients can see website notes prior to and during enrollment. Website notes are:
- Sent as a note notification to all clients currently on the roster
- Shown on the Client Mode Schedule Pop up
- Shown on the Enrollment confirmation page
- Shown on the Enrollment Confirmation Email
- Shown on the Upcoming Visit details page
- Shown on the Visit Reminder Email
Public Notes (For Classes, Appointments and Courses) are shown to clients only AFTER they enroll. Public notes are:
- Sent as a note notification to all clients currently on the roster
- Shown on the Enrollment Confirmation Email
- Shown on the Upcoming Visit details page
- Shown on the Visit Reminder Email
Best Practice
Allow limited staff members to send public notes
Limited staff members are not able to post public notes on the rosters for their classes however they can be given permission. To give them permission, go to Settings and select the the "Staff Permissions" page. This page will have a public notes setting in which you can allow access to any staff member to post public notes.
Adding Files
Only photo file types are supported for upload at this time, a .png or .jpeg are recommended.