Who can use this feature?
Pike13 Plan:
- More information about Pike13 Plans and Roles
You choose the payment methods that your clients use for buying passes, plans, and products and for paying enrollment fees. For each payment method that you choose, consider convenience for both you and clients as well as ease of tracking in Pike13 reporting.
In Pike13, you can select to enable whether staff can record a purchase as paying with Cash or Check. To allow a client to pay with a credit card, you will need to set up merchant processing. Once you have set up a merchant account and it has been linked to Pike13 through Celero Commerce's (formerly Transnational's) NMI gateway, Pike13 will enable accepting credit card payments. For more information on Celero Commerce visit their Pike13 page.
In this article
Enabling Cash Payments
- Select Settings at the top of any page.
- Choose Advanced Settings.
- In the right hand menu scroll down to Checkout and click on Accepted Payments.
- To allow clients to pay by Cash toggle to the green checkmark. To turn off this payment method toggle to the red X.
Enabling Check Payments
- Select Settings at the top of any page.
- Choose Advanced Settings.
- In the right hand menu scroll down to Checkout and click on Accepted Payments.
- To allow clients to pay by Check toggle to the green checkmark. To turn off this payment method toggle to the red X.
Accepting Cash and Check Payments
Staff can only sell clients a product paid for with cash or check. Clients can only purchase online through their own accounts with a credit card.
Enabling Credit Card Payments
To process credit card payments anytime, anywhere, you need a merchant account. When your account is activated, you're ready to process transactions through one of the Pike13 merchant processing partners for Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Pike13 has merchant processing partners that support businesses based in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, and the UK.
Apply for a merchant account
- If you are new to Pike13, your onboarding specialist will send out details on next steps for adding merchant processing to your Pike13 account.
- If you are an existing customer and want to know more about merchant processing, please contact us at help@pike13.com for more details.
Confirm that you can accept credit card payments
- At the top of any page on your Pike13 staff site, choose Settings, and then click Advanced Settings.
- In the right menu, click Accepted Payments, and then check for the green checkbox.
- If you see the checkmark, credit card processing is active.
- If you see a red X, contact help@pike13.com.
Enabling a Credit Card reader
You can enter a client's credit card info manually, but you can also speed the entry of credit card information at checkout and store it securely for later by enabling a credit card reader.
The only credit card readers that are compatible with Pike13 are the MagTek (21040145) and MagTek (21073062) both can be purchased from an online store. Please note, the MagTek (21073062) model is primarily for PCs and may not work well on a Mac.
Steps to enable the MagTek credit card reader
- In your Pike13 website, click Settings, and then click Advanced Settings.
- In the right menu, click Accepted Payments, make sure that Enable USB card swiper is checked, and then click Save.
- Plug the MagTek credit card reader into your computer's USB port.
- When swiping a card, your computer will ask you "What type of device is plugged in?". Click auto-detect.
Compatible Credit Card Swipers
Your chosen merchant processor may offer chip readers or other swipers. However, these products do not integrate with Celero Commerce's (formerly Transnational's) NMI Gateway and cannot be used with Pike13. The only credit card swipers that will work with Pike13 is the MagTek (21040145) or MagTek (21073062).
Entering a client's credit card information
To manually enter a client's credit card info:
- Click on Clients at the to of any page.
- Select the client you wish to add their credit card to.
- Choose Manage Payment Methods, and then enter the required information.
To take credit card info using a USB swiper:
- On a computer, use the Pike13 staff website with the USB swiper.
- Under Choose payment method, click Swipe card.
- Slide the card through the swiper.