Before you can book appointments, enroll in classes and courses, or buy passes and plans in a Pike13 business, you will first need to create your client profile.
If the Pike13 business that serves you created a client profile for you, please check your inbox for the welcome email with a link to your profile. Once you click on the link, you will create a password and add additional information. If you are a first-time visitor, you will start from scratch to create a profile.
In This Article
Creating Your Account/Profile
- In the top right corner of your business's Pike13 website, select Sign Up.
- Enter your email address then select Next.
- Depending on the business, you may be asked who are you signing up at Pike13?
If you signing up your child or yourself and your child, select Your children or Yourself and your children, click Next and see our article on sign up yourself and dependent. - If not signing up a child, select Yourself and click Next.
- Add your required information including creating a password and select Sign Up.
- If you are redirected to the Check your email page after step two, you likely have an account with another Pike13 business.
- Check your email inbox for the “Please confirm your email address” email and click on Confirm your email address.
- Sign In using the same email and password that you set for your first Pike13 business. If you cannot remember your password, select Forgot Password? to reset your password.
- After you sign in, complete the profile information for the new business.
Account vs. Profile
The first time you sign up with a business that uses Pike13, you will create a Pike13 account. Your Pike13 account will include your first name, last name, sign In email address, and password. Your client profile is specific to each individual business you sign up for that uses Pike13. This allows you to manage all of your client profiles in one account.
For example, if you join a yoga studio and fitness studio that both use Pike13, you will be able to sign in to your Pike13 account then go to your client profile for each business.
Signing a Waiver
Many businesses require a signed waiver before they can provide you services. Pike13 requires you to sign the waiver when you first sign up as a client with a business using Pike13. If you have not yet signed the waiver, your next sign in will prompt you to complete the waiver(s).
- Sign in to the Pike13 website, and you will be taken directly to a screen asking you to sign the waiver. Select the waiver you need to sign (more than one will appear if you are managing minors).
- If there are specific questions you need to answer, you will be prompted to do so before reviewing and signing the waiver.
If you are the guardian of a client under the age of majority (default 18 years old), you will also be required to sign a guardian waiver. For more information on signing a waiver for a dependent, please see our article on Signing A Waiver / Misc. Document.