If you have more than one credit card saved on your profile, you will see the option to delete the other card(s). If you only have one credit card on file, you will need to contact the business to remove the credit card.
Delete a Credit Card on a Desktop
- Login to your Pike13 account.
- Select Payment Methods from the right hand menu.
- Select the radio button of the card you wish to keep. This card will be charged by default for any recurring plans and cannot be deleted.
- Click Delete next to the credit card you wish to remove
- Select Ok for Are you sure? to delete the credit card.
Delete a Credit Card from a Mobile Browser
- Log in to Pike13
- Click Your Stuff in the top right corner
- Select Payment Methods.
- Select the radio button of the card you wish to keep. This card will be charged by default for any recurring plans and cannot be deleted.
- Click Delete on any other cards that you want to remove
- Select Ok for Are you sure? to delete the credit card.