Occasionally, you'll run into a situation where a client is trying to enroll in a service on your Pike13 site but they are not able to. Usually this is because the plan or pass the client has is not eligible for the service he/she is trying to enroll in.
Here's some troubleshooting steps to help figure out why this might be happening:
Check the client's profile. Confirm they have a plan/pass available and that it is paid for by clicking on the plan or pass on the client's profile and check the following:
- Duration - confirm the plan or pass is still active.
- Location, staff and service restrictions - confirm that the plan or pass is available for the service, staff member and at the location in question.
Check the service settings. Check the service the client is trying to enroll in by going to Settings > Services and select the Service. Check the following:
- Does the service apply to the plan/pass in question? Click the details tab. Confirm the plan / pass is in the list of "Applicable Plans or Passes". Note: if you deleted a plan or pass and created a new one with the same name, you'll need to re-add it here.
- Registration permissions - Click the registration tab. Confirm the permissions for "Online Registration". If it's members only, confirm the client is a member in the client list (it will say "No Membership" or the Plan/Pass that makes them a member). You can also look for the client in New Reporting and check the "Has Membership?" column.
- Deadline for registering online - check the deadline under the registration tab. Did the client try to enroll after the deadline had passed?
- Website visibility settings - Click the website settings tab and confirm the visibility of the service is set appropriately.