We have some exciting updates to share regarding our Zapier integration and Premium Reporting powered by Looker.
Towards the end of 2019, Pike13 launched a not so private, invite-only Zapier App. Well, now we're official! We’re happy to announce our public launch with Zapier. This means you can now find the Pike13 App in Zapier’s public Marketplace. You’ll also find a library of Zap Templates, pre-built Zaps for some of the most common automations. Of course, you’re still able to create your own Zaps from scratch.
For more information on what Zaps are available for Pike13, go to https://zapier.com/apps/pike13/integrations.
Premium Reporting Powered by Looker Updates
Our engineering team has been hard at work adding more Looks and Dashboards to Premium Reporting based off the needs of our business owners. Over the last two months we have released two Looks and three Dashboards to help you gain insight into your business. To keep up to date on the new Looks and Dashboards as they are released, follow our blog!
As we add new Looks and Dashboards, we highlight them with stars so you can quickly see what has changed:
New Looks
Recent or Upcoming Birthdays - Client with birthdays from the last two weeks through the next two weeks. Just in case you want to send a happy birthday announcement ahead of their next visit.
Today's Enrollments for Clients with Recent or Upcoming Birthdays - Client's enrolled today with birthdays from the last two weeks through the next two weeks. We want to ensure you have the chance to say happy belated birthday to someone face-to-face when they are in your facility. This is a great report to provide to your front desk staff!
New Dashboards
Client KPIs - Key performance indicators showing information for this month, last month, and this time the year before. The stats shown are:
- New clients
- Members
- New members
- Returning members
- Stopped members
- Completed visits
Conversion - This dashboard shows you conversion tables based off First Plan Conversion, Free Single Visit Pass Conversion, and Complimentary Pass Conversion. Each section has the following graphics:
- Conversion rate
- Conversion by the start of the week
- Plan name your clients converted to
- List of plans clients converted from
- Staff member the client visited with
Financial KPIs - Key performance indicators showing information for this month, last month, and this time the year before. The stats shown are:
- Total invoice amount due
- Past due amount as of today
- Net paid as of today
If you would like to learn more about Premium Reporting, reach out to our team at help@pike13.com. You can also see a brief video and read more about this feature here.