With the Staff App, staff can manage their own schedules, communicate with clients, facilitate enrollments, and collect payments.
In this article
App Requirements
Due to the many versions of Android and Apple devices available, your experience may vary depending on your device model, operating system version, display size, and device settings. Pike13 apps may not be compatible with older devices and operating systems. We highly recommend that you use the most current stable operating systems on devices released preferably in the last 2-3 years.
Troubleshooting the Staff App
Reset a frozen app
- Double-click the iPad Home button
- Swipe left or right through the open apps until the Pike13 app appears, and then swipe its preview up and off the screen to close it.
- Reopen the app
Troubleshoot other issues
- Do you have the latest version? Verify by going to the App Store on your device and clicking Updates
- Do you have enough free space on your device? Confirm by going to Settings > General > Usage on your device.
If none of these apply and you're still having issues, please contact Pike13 Support by clicking Submit a Request above. Include the following information, if possible:
- What device are you using? (For example, iPhone 4s, or iPad Mini)
- What version of iOS is on your device? (For example, iOS 7.0.4)
- When the app starts, can you log in?
- If you can log in and the app crashes, when does it crash? (For example, when adding a photo or taking attendance)
If you can't use the iOS Staff app at all, you can accomplish any Pike13 task anytime on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch using a web browser (like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox). Just go to your Pike13 business at pike13.com and sign in to your account.