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- More information about Pike13 Plans and Roles
- *Access to reports is not the default, but owners can provide access to any staff member through the staff member's profile.
The Invoice Items report is a great resource for analyzing item-level details of everything in invoices.
From this report, you can create views that show the expected and unpaid amounts attributed to each invoice item, breakdowns by product name, revenue categories, and more. Invoice items can also be viewed by various timeframes such as daily, weekly, monthly or custom time ranges.
In this article
Quick Views
Invoices Due Today by Revenue Category - Summary of invoices due today grouped by revenue category
Invoices Due This Month by Product Name - Summary of invoices due this month grouped by name of pass, plan or merchandise item
Invoices Due This Month by Product Type - Summary of invoices due this month grouped by product type (recurring, prepaid, retail etc.)
Summary View
The Invoice items report provides two summary views: Invoice Item Details, and Tax Related Details. Each view can be grouped by a set of provided invoice item attributes.
The following metrics are computed for each group of invoice items:
Invoice Items Details
- Invoices - The count of unique invoices.
- Invoice Items - The count of unique invoice items.
- Total Net Paid - Sum of all successful payments less all successful refunds attributed to the invoice items.
- Total Unpaid - Sum of all outstanding amount to be collected attributed to the invoice items.
- Total Payment Amount - Sum of all successful payments attributed to the invoice items.
- Total Refund Amount - Sum of all successful refunds attributed to the invoice items.
- Total Expected Amount - Sum of all expected amounts attributed to the invoice items to be collected given discounts, coupons, adjustments and add-ons attributed to the invoice items.
- Coupons - Sum of all applied coupon amounts attributed to the invoice items.
- Discounts - Sum of all applied discount amounts attributed to the invoice items.
- Adjustments - Sum of all non-discount and non-coupon adjustment amounts attributed to the invoice items.
- Gross - Sum of all invoice item prices at time of sale including inclusive taxes. Exclusive taxes, discounts, coupons, adjustments and add-ons are not included in this amount.
- Memberships - The count of unique invoice items that grant membership status.
Tax Related Details
- Invoices - The count of unique invoices.
- Invoice Items - The count of unique invoice items.
- Total Net Paid - Sum of all successful payments less all successful refunds attributed to the invoice items.
- Total Net Paid Less Tax - The portion of Total Net Paid that is not allocated to tax
- Total Net Paid Tax - The portion of Total Net Paid that is allocated to tax
- Total Expected Amount - Sum of all amount expected to be collected given the discounts, coupons, and adjustments.
- Total Expected Less Tax - The portion of Total Expected Amount that is not allocated to tax
- Total Expected Tax - The portion of Total Expected Amount that is allocated to tax
Key dates
There are two key dates available for this report: Invoice Due Date and Invoice Closed Date.
Use Invoice Due Date to group invoices by the day that they were due.
Use Invoice Closed Date to group closed invoices by the day that they were closed.
There are also corresponding options to group by Week, Month, Quarter, or Year. Invoice Due Date and Invoice Closed Date can also be filtered in the Details view to narrow down the window of time for review.
Details View
In addition to the summary view, there is also a Details view that shows greater details on invoice item. This view can easily be filtered to a desired timeframe, specific product types, revenue categories, and more.
Available details in this view are:
- Payer - Full name of the person responsible for payment of the invoice.
- Client - For pass or plan products, list of people that can use the pass or plan. This can differ from Payer in some scenarios. For example, a parent may pay a recurring plan for a child. The person purchasing, may not be the same as who can use the pass or plan.
- Invoice Number - Unique ID across all invoices for each business. For a franchise report, this number would not be unique, it is only unique at the business level. This is different from invoice_id in that invoice_id is unique across all invoices, not just those for this business."
- Invoice Due Date - Date when the invoice is expected to be paid. This is displayed in the timezone of the business.
- Invoice Closed Date - Date when the invoice was closed. This is displayed in the timezone of the business.
- Invoice Status - Current state of the invoice. Possible states include Open, Closed, Canceled, On Hold, and Purchase Request.
- Net Paid -Sum of all successful payments less all successful refunds attributed to the invoice item.
- Unpaid - Total outstanding amount to be collected attributed to the invoice item..
- Payment Amount - Amount of the successful payment attributed to the invoice item.
- Refund Amount - Amount of the successful refund attributed to the invoice item.
- Expected Amount - Total amount expected to be collected given discounts, coupons, adjustments and add-ons attributed to the invoice item.
- Coupons - Total amount of applied coupons attributed to the invoice item.
- Discounts - Total amount of applied discounts attributed to the invoice item. This does NOT include coupons or adjustments.
- Adjustments - Total amount of non-discount and non-coupon adjustments applied, such as price overrides or prorated amounts attributed to the invoice item.
- Gross - Price of the invoice item at the time of sale including inclusive tax. Exclusive taxes, discounts, coupons, adjustments and add-ons are not included in this amount.
- Net Paid Less Tax - Portion of net_paid_amount that is not allocated to tax.
- Net Paid Tax - Portion of net_paid_amount that is allocated to tax.
- Expected Less Tax - Portion of expected_amount that is not allocated to tax.
- Expected Tax - Portion of expected_amount that is allocated to tax.
- Unpaid Less Tax - Portion of outstanding_amount that is not allocated to tax.
- Unpaid Tax - Portion of outstanding_amount that is allocated to tax.
- Revenue Category - Business-defined revenue category assigned to a service or product. An invoice item will have at most one revenue cateogry.
- Product Name - Current product name. Note that product names can change over time.
- Product Type - Type of the product purchased. Possible types include Retail, Recurring, Pass, Signup Fee, Hold Fee, and more.
- Options - List of retail options, if retail product. For example, "size", "color", or "flavor".
- Add-ons -List of retail add-ons, if retail product. Add-ons are sold in conjunction with retail, not separately.
- Autopay? - Indicates whether the invoice was created automatically.
- Membership? - Indicates whether the item purchased grants membership status.
- Created by Client? - Indicates whether the invoice was created by the client.
- Discount Type -Type of discount, if applicable. Possible types include Fixed, and Percent.
- Coupon Code -The coupon code applied to the invoice item, if applicable.
- Invoice Issued Date - Date when the invoice was issued. This is displayed in the timezone of the business.
- Invoice Created By - Full name of staff or client who created the invoice.
- Commission Recipient - Full name of person receiving commission. Only provided when a commission recipient is specified at the time the invoice is created.
- Sale Location - Name of business location where the sale occurred.
- Failed Transactions - Count of unique failed transactions for this invoice.
- Days since Invoice Due - Number of days since Due Date. Will be blank for invoices that are due in the future.
- Purchase Request ID - Unique ID across all purchase request, if applicable.
- Purchase Request State - Current state of the purchase request. Possible states include Open, Declined, Canceled, Expired, Purchased, or Not Application.
- Primary Staff Member - Full name of invoice payer's primary staff member at time of sale.
- Item ID - Unique ID across all invoice items.
- Payer ID - Unique ID for the person paying the invoice.