Who can use this feature?
Pike13 Plan:
✓ Premium
✓ Advanced
✓ Essential
✓ Primary Owner
✓ Owners
✗ Managers
✗ Staff
✗ Limited Staff
- More information about Pike13 Plans and Roles
- *Access to reports is not the default, but owners can provide access to any staff member through the staff member's profile.
This report provides comprehensive data about client conversions to another pass or plan. This replaces the Pass and Plan Conversions report in Classic Reporting.
In this article
Quick Views
- Free Single Visit Pass Conversion - Provides you with conversions from a free first visit to a purchased pass/plan
- Complimentary Pass Conversion - A report showing clients who started with a complimentary pass and purchased a pass/plan afterwards
- Started Last Month but No Visit - A report showing passes/plans with a start date in the previous month but 0 completed visits for that pass/plan
- First Plan Conversion by First Visit Staff - A summary report showing how often a client purchased a pass/plan after their first visit with a specific staff member
Summary View
- Count - Count of all client passes and plans
- Visited - Total number of visits on a pass/plan
- Purchased Another Plan - Total number of records where another pass/plan was purchased
- Visited % - Percentage of passes/plans that had a visit used
- Purchased Another Plan % - Percentage of additional passes/plans purchased
- Purchased Another Plan as % of Visited - Of the completed visits, this percentage of people purchased another pass/plan
- Average Days between Start Date and First Visit - Average time it takes to for the first visit to be deducted from the pass/plan after its start date
- Example: How soon the client came for their visit after purchasing the plan
- Average Days between Start Date and Next Plan - Average days between the start date of one pass/plan and the start date of the next pass/plan
- Example: How quickly did the client buy their next plan
- Average Days between First Visit and Next Plan - Average days between the first deducted visit date of the current pass/plan and the start date of the next pass/plan
- Average Days between Last Visit and Next Plan - Average days between the final completed visit date of the pass/plan and the next pass/plan's start date
- Example: How long was it between the last time the client came in and the start of their next pass?
- Start Next Plan on Visit Date % - Percentage of plans where the start date and first completed visit on that plan is the same date
- Example: How many people bought a plan the day of their first visit?
- Start Next Plan Within Week of Visit % - Percentage of plans where the start date and first completed visit on that plan were within seven days
- Next Plan Is Membership % - Percentage of the next pass/plan purchased being a membership
Key Dates
- Client - Full name of the pass/plan participant
- Plan Name - Name of the pass/plan
- Start Date - The start date of the pass/plan
- End Date* - The end date when the pass/plan was scheduled
- Last Usable Date - Last date when the pass/plan can be used
- Available? - Yes or no based on whether it is currently usable by the client
- Allowed Visits* - Number of visits the pass/plan can be applied to in the time interval
- Total Completed Visits - Number of completed visits on the specific pass or plan
- Used for Client's First Visit? - Yes or no based on whether this pass/plan was used for the client's first visit
- Plan Location - Location where the pass/plan can be used if designated to one location
- Membership? - Yes or no based on whether this pass/plan makes someone a member
- Canceled? - Yes or no based on whether the pass/plan was cancelled manually
- Latest Invoice Due Date - Due date of the latest invoice for the pass/plan
- Client's First Pass/Plan? - Yes or no based on whether this pass/plan was the client's first
- Client's First Membership? - Yes or no based on whether this was the client's first membership
- Plan Type - Type of the pass/plan: pass, prepaid, membership, or single-visit pass
- Complimentary Pass? - Yes or no based on whether this pass was the system's complimentary pass
- Revenue Category - Business defined revenue category assigned to the pass/plan
- Base Price - Original price of the pass/plan (prior to discounts or adjustments)
- First Visit Staff - Staff member assigned to service for the first visit on the pass/plan
- First Visit Date - Date of the first completed visit date for that pass/plan
- First Visit Day - Day of the week for the first completed visit date of the pass/plan
- Days between Start Date and First Visit - Number of days between pass/plan's start date and first completed visit date of the pass/plan
- Last Visit Date - Last completed visit date of that pass/plan
- Last Visit Day - Day of the week for the last completed visit date of the pass/plan
- Start Date of Next Plan - The start date of the next pass/plan
- Days between Start date and Next Plan - Number of days from the start date of the current plan to the start date of the next plan
- Days between First Visit and Next Plan - Number of days from the first visit date to the start date of the next plan
- Days between Last Visit and Next Plan - Number of days from the last visit date to the start date of the next plan
- Next Plan Type - Type of next pass/plan: pass, prepaid, membership, or single-visit pass
- Next Plan Name - Name of the next pass/plan
- Next Plan Membership? - Yes or no based on whether the next pass/plan is considered a membership
- Next Plan Revenue Category - Business defined revenue category assigned to the next pass/plan
- Client's Home Location - The home location assigned to the participant of the pass/plan
- First Name - Participant's first name
- Middle Name - Participant's middle name
- Last Name - Participant's last name
- Email - Participant's email address
- Client ID - Unique ID across all people for the participant of the pass/plan
- Plan ID - Unique ID across all passes/plans
- Next Plan ID - Unique ID across all plans. ID of the next pass/plan
- Primary Participant? - Yes or no based on whether the participant was the first one added to the pass/plan
*Does not apply to unlimited plans.