You can use the Pike13 Application Programming Interface to integrate things like staff schedules, client profiles, and location info into your website.
Register your app
Begin by registering your app. After registering you will obtain credentials to authenticate and use any Pike13 API.
Create a Test Business
Create a Pike13 business for use as a sandbox to explore the Pike13 APIs.
Choose a Pike13 API
After registering you now have access to use both Core API and Reporting API.
Core API allows apps to perform business processes. Creating a client, retrieving their custom fields, and checking them into a class are examples of what's possible with this Pike13 API.
Reporting API allows apps to retrieve and aggregate business data at business and franchise levels. Aggregating revenue by quarter, retrieving every piece of merchandise ever sold by a certain staff member, or finding the client who has contributed the highest revenue to a business are examples of what's possible with this Pike13 API.
Use the Core API and Reporting API documentation to explore all that is available from each Pike13 API. Check out the Authentication section to learn about our OAuth2 flow.
Want some code samples to get you started?
For the latest changes to the Pike13 API check out our Developers Center Announcements page. If you have any questions or feature requests please contact us.