When a client holds multiple plans or passes that could pay for a service, Pike13 determines which plan or pass is actually used in this order of priority:
- A promotional pass
Usually a promotional pass is either valid for a subset of services or expires before a purchased plan or pass. When either is true, Pike13 chooses to deduct a visit from the promotional pass rather than from a purchased plan or pass. - A plan that offers unlimited visits to pay for the service
- The plan or pass that expires soonest, including any plan with rollover visits
- A plan or pass that is valid for the fewest types of services, especially one that is exclusively for this service
- The plan or pass that was added to the shopping cart first.
- Any other applicable plan or pass
Deducting Rollover Visits
Unused visits rolled over from the preceding to the current period are deducted from a plan before the current period’s unused visits. For example, if a client had a 10-visit plan with five unused visits from March that rolled over to April, those five rollover visits from March would be deducted from the plan before April’s 10 visits.