Reserve with Google
We are excited to announce our newest partnership: Reserve with Google. Our investment will help you expand your brand and allow new clients to book directly through Google.
Currently available in the following metropolitan areas: Atlanta, Austin, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Portland, San Francisco, and Seattle. Click here to learn more!
Credit card icons added
To ensure compliance, VISA, MasterCard, American Express and Discovery icons have been added to your credit card entry page.
Choosing a default payment method
When a staff member adds a new payment method during checkout, Pike13 will ask if the staff member would like to store the payment method for future payments. If a client already has a payment method on file, Pike13 will also ask if the new payment method should be set as the default for future automatic payments.
New clients will immediately be added to your client list
We heard you loud and clear. Newly created clients were taking too long to show up in your client list. We’ve addressed the issue and new clients will now show up immediately.
New API endpoint
Our API now contains an endpoint that will provide a summary of event occurrences by day and hour. Click here to access our developer guide.